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Running Cedr


Cedr is deprecated in favor of Fakemurk. This guide is kept for archival purposes.


  • A USB drive or SD card, 4gb or more (32gb is reccomended), formatted with a single partition, ext4 filesystem

Section I - Installing Cedr

Plug in your USB drive/SD card and run the following command in bash:

fdisk -l

Identify your USB drive/SD card in the list. Usually, it'll be at the end. Find the text starting with /dev right before your drive is listed. That is your /dev device. Remember it, we'll need it.

Run the following command to install cedr to the drive (replace /dev/sdX with your SD card/USB drive):

curl | bash -s /dev/sdX xfce

After a while (10-20 minutes) you'll be prompted for a username and password. Supply them. The chroot will automatically be unmounted.

Section II - Launching Cedr

Run the following commands:

cd /home/chronos/usbdrv

Section III - Unmounting

Once finished, run:

bash <(curl

and unplug your drive.

Section IV - Launching Cedr Again

Plug in your drive and run:

fdisk -l

Find your /dev device and run the following command, replacing /dev/sdX with your device:

curl | bash -s /dev/sdX

Once finished, run:

bash <(curl

and unplug your drive.