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Switching Your User-Agent

Why do this?

Sometimes, your school district websites (I-Ready for example) might have requirements for Chrome.

If you downgraded to fakemurk, this is very useful.


  • Fakemurk (optional)
  • Murkmod (optional)
  • Access to developer mode on chrome://extensions

Section I - Enabling Developer Mode

Head on over to chrome://extensions and, in the top right, you will find a Developer Mode toggle.

If this is blocked for you, install fakemurk

Once you've enabled it you are good to go.

Section II - Getting a UserAgent Switcher

Download the source code for the UserAgent-Switcher

Once downloaded, go into your Files app and extract the files.

After that go back to chrome://extensions and click Load Unpacked.

Click on the folder you extracted, head into the v3 directory and click Open.

You have officially installed the extension.

Section III - Next Steps

It is recommended that you pin the extension for easier access.

Click on the extension and make sure to select Chrome, Windows, and then the latest version of Chrome.

You can now access all your school services again!

You're almost there! Continue to Finalizing Setup to finish!